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General information for:
The invited speakers of the Dutch Nephrology Days 2007

The Dutch Nephrology Days, will take place on April 3rd and 4th 2007. In the concept scedule of the programm, which you can find under the button Programm on this website, you can find date and time of your presentation.

The congress will take place at the:

Conference Hotel NH Koningshof
Locht 117
5504 RM Veldhoven
Telephone (0031) (0)40-253 74 75, Fax (0031) (0)40-254 55 15

The registration form which we sent you earlier is of significant importance, because it guarantees the maximum of support to your lecture. It makes it also possible for us to make your stay during our congress most convenient. Therefore we would like you to register as a speaker with this form and return it to our congress office before December 31st 2006. In February 2007 we will send you a confirmation of the use of technical support and hospitality including a brochure of the conference hotel in which you will be staying during our congress and a copy of the scientific program.

For all the expenses you make, such as expenses for travelling and other expenses needed for preparing your lecture we sent a declaration form. With this form the organizing committee will be able to refund all your expenses. The completed form can be lodged with our congress office during the congress.

You'll be expected in Speakerscorner, room 19 of congreshotel NH Koningshof. Here you have the opportunity to leave your coat and luggage, to prepere your lecture, drink of cup of coffee or enjoy your lunch. One of our employees is present here to answer your questions or to be of any assistence in general.

We would be very pleased if you give us permission to publish your lecture on the website of the Dutch Federation of Nephrology as a read-only file which cannot be downloaded. To make publication possible please bring a copy of your lecture on CDR. You can also deliver your version of the lecture to the office for copying during your stay. If you do not agree with this web-publication of your lecture you are requested to indicate this on the registration form.

For questions, information and support you can contact our congress office:

Congress office Nederlandse Nefrologiedagen
Mrs. Monique Scheffens-Huijskes
Antwoordnummer 10055
6130 XT Sittard
The Netherlands

Telephone 00-31-6-22 393 700



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