Hand outs 2020
Hieronder treft u de lezingen en abstracts aan waarvan de sprekers toestemming hebben gegeven voor publicatie. We verwachten meer sessies te kunnen publiceren. Controleer met regelmaat deze pagina voor nieuw gepubliceerde sessies. Voor het programmaschema klikt u hier
Below you will find the lectures and abstracts for which the speakers have given permission for publication. We expect to be able to publish more sessions. Check this page regularly for newly published sessions.
Click here for program overview |
Day 1
Tuesday October 13th 2020 Day 2 Wednesday October 13th 2020 |
Session 2: No permission for the time being Session 3: No permission Session 4 and 68: A. van Eck v.d. Sluijs, Improving shared decision making for end-stage renal disease patients in the Netherlands W. Feitz, Unravelling the role of neutrophils and nets in patients with shiga toxin producing escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome J. Hoelbeek, Renal amyloidosis: validation of a proposed histological scoring system in an independent cohort E.L. Fu, Comparative effectiveness of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and calcium channel blockers in individuals with advanced chronic kidney disease: a nationwide cohort study T.T. Pieters, A plasma creatinine- and urea-based equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate in rats M.S.A. Niemandsverdriet, Estimating kidney functioning with ckd-epi is sub-optimal for emergency department patients E.N.M. de Rooij, Especially hypokalemia is a risk factor for all-cause mortality in incident hemodialysis patients Session 5: J. Sanders, to be expected A. Hak, to be expected Session 6: No permission for the time being Session 7: R. Duivenvoorden, to be expected C. van den Berg, to be expected Session 8: No permission for the time being Session 9: R. Maas en E. Steenbergen, click here Session 10: No permission for the time being Session 11: A. Kuipers, to be expected Session 22: Nefrovisie, click here Session 23: No permission for the time being Session 24: No permission for the time being Session 25: No permission for the time being Session 26: A. Abrahams en A. Hoogsteen, click here Session 27: A. Visser, Werken met een nierziekte Session 28: G. Linthorst en M. Kramer, click here Session 29: A. de Jong, te be expected G. v.d. Hoeff, to be expected Session 30: F. Wieringa, click here Session 31: A. van Krieken en B. Hoekstra, click here Session 32 No permission for the time being Session 33: A. Schrama, to be expected Session 34: No permission for the time being Session 35: E. de Cuyper, to be expected M. de Jager, to be expected Session 36: E. Duym, waarom thuis of op het centrum Session 37: Y. de Koter-Smits, Jongeren en dialyse W. van Biesen. Living with advanced kidney disease: A Life Long Journey Session 38: No permission for the time being Session 39: No permission for the time being Session 40: No permission for the time being Session 41: No permission for the time being Session 42 A. Eck - v.d. Sluijs, click here Session 43 No permission for the time being Session 44: No permission Session 45: No permission for the time being Session 502: No permission for the time being Session 512: No permission for the time being Session 13: No permission for the time being Session 14: No permission Session 15: M. de Broe, to be expected Session 16: C. van Kooten, to be expected Session 17: No permission Session 18: Y. Meuleman, to be expected Session 21: No permission for the time being Session 46: A. de Jong, to be expected I. Christiaans, to be expected G. v.d. Hoeff, to be expected Session 47: No permission for the time being Session 48: D. van Maare, Palliatieve zorg bij nierfalen Session 49: No permission for the time being Session 51: No permission for the time being Session 53: No permission for the time being Session 55: No permission Session 56: M. Weerts, te be expected K. Mui, to be expected Session 57: No permission for the time being Session 58: M. Braam, to be expected Session 59: No permission for the time being Session 60: G. van den Bosch, Wie is de juiste donor? Begeleiding van nierpatiënten en hun gerichte altruïst Session 61: M. de Klerk, to be expected Session 62: No permission for the time being Session 63: No permission for the time being Session 64: E. Metry, Transplantation outcomes in patients with primary hyperoxaluria type 1 Session 65: No permission for the time being Session 66: No permission for the time being Session 67: No permission for the time being Session 68: Content under session 4 Session 69: S. Konings, The effects of fgf23 and klotho on vascular calcification in end stage renal disease patients; a cross-sectional study. J.J. Hoelbeek, B-cell aggregates in protocol renal allograft biopsies G. Wijngaarden, Thermal perception and body temperature (t) in chronic hd patients: a comparison between standard hd (shd), cool hd (chd), low- volume hdf (lvhdf) and high-volume hdf (hvhdf): the hollant study F. Veltkamp, Prevention of relapses with levamisole as adjuvant therapy to corticosteroids in children with a first episode of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, an international, double-blind, placebo-controlled ra F. Veltkamp, Determining concentrations of levamisole and prednisolone in plasma and saliva in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome using lc-ms/ms F. Veltkamp, The use of generic and disease-specific patient reported outcome measures in daily clinical practice of a paediatric nephrology unit. L.R. Claus, Genepher: building a data- and biobank for (suspected) hereditary renal disease A.A. Bonenkamp, Home dialysis patterns in elderly patients in the past 20 years A.A. Bonenkamp, Selection of patients suitable for home dialysis by a social worker Session 70: F. Boulogne, Predicting kidney-disease genes using gene-expression data of 746 kidney rna-sequencing samples P.A. Rootjes. Intra-dialytic release of extracellular vesicles (evs) is independent of the mode of dialysis. a comparison between standard hemodialysis (shd), cool hd (chd), low-volume hemodiafiltration (lvhdf) and J.A.J. van der Wijst, Structural insight into the regulation of the epithelial calcium channel trpv5 G.H. Khan, Levamisole, a potential adjuvant drug for idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, acts as a suppressor of t cell activation Session 509: No permission for the time being Session 510: No permission for the time being |
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