Current Information For Invited Speakers
Please find the documents that provide you with important information related to invited speakers of the conference:
Click here for the current information and instructions (will follow later):
This document provides you with practical and important information about the conference.
Click here for the map of the venue
This document shows the map of and roomnumbers of the venue. Please note that the Dutch translation of "room" is "zaal"
Click here for the CGR disclosure slide:
Due to Dutch legislation it is required to show this as the first slide during you presentation. It shows if you have any ties with any industry and what these ties are.
Click here for your reimbursement form:
This form is needed for reimbursing travel expenses and other expenses that are related to your lecture. You can fill in the form and send it to the email address in the upper right angle.
Any questions? Please contact us by email ( or by telephone: ++31- 46-2021300.
Please find the documents that provide you with important information related to invited speakers of the conference:
Click here for the current information and instructions (will follow later):
This document provides you with practical and important information about the conference.
Click here for the map of the venue
This document shows the map of and roomnumbers of the venue. Please note that the Dutch translation of "room" is "zaal"
Click here for the CGR disclosure slide:
Due to Dutch legislation it is required to show this as the first slide during you presentation. It shows if you have any ties with any industry and what these ties are.
Click here for your reimbursement form:
This form is needed for reimbursing travel expenses and other expenses that are related to your lecture. You can fill in the form and send it to the email address in the upper right angle.
Any questions? Please contact us by email ( or by telephone: ++31- 46-2021300.