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laatste mutatie: 3 maart 2003
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08.30-10.00 Ontvangst en inschrijving - Centrale ontv angsthal
10.00-12.00 LVDT Algemene Ledenvergadering - Brabantzaal
10.00-12.00 VDT programma - zaal 81
10.00-13.00 DNN Algemene Ledenvergadering - zaal 80
10.00-12.00 Klinische wetenschappelijk programma - Diezehal
Voorzitters: M. van Buren & P.J. Blankestijn
.1000-10.30 J.G. v.d. Hoeven (Nijmegen)  
  "Metabole acidose bij IC-patiënten" 
11.30-11.00 P. E. de Jong (Groningen)  
    “From secondary to primary prevention of progressive renal disease: The case for screening on albuminuria”
11.00-1130 P.H.A. Gaede (Kopenhagen, DK)  
    "Multifactorial intervention to prevent cardiovascular disease: experience in diabetic patients."
11.30-12.00 R. Poulsom (London, UK)  
    "Stem Cells and the kidney - intra-renal and extra-renal approaches to kidney regeneration and repair"
10.00-12.00 Fundamenteel wetenschappelijk symposium I - Baroniezaal
“Lessons from cell and animal models”
Voorzitters: R.J.M. Bindels & E. de Heer
10.00-10.40 P. M. Mathieson (Bristol, UK)  
     “The new world of the Podocyte”
10.40-11.20  F. Strutz (Göttingen, GE)
    “Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and the reversal of renal fibrogenesis” 
11.20-12.00  S. Quaggin (Toronto, CA)
    “Conditional gene targeting in the kidney: New insights into glomerular development & disease”
12.00-13.30 Lunch - Kempenhal & Genderhal
12.00-12.45 NfN Algemene Leden Vergadering. - Diezehal
12.00-13.00 “Carrière planning voor de AIO en jonge postdocs”- Baroniezaal
 Voorzitters: J.C. Korevaar & D. Huugen
12.00-12.20 J. Hoenderop (Nijmegen)  
    “Ervaringen van een ex-AIO”  
12.20-12.40 B. de Galan (Nijmegen)  
    “Ervaringen van een ex-AGIKO”
12.40-13.00 R.P.W Heinsbroek (Den Haag)
    “Een VENI-aanvraag indienen bij ZonMw ”
13.30- 18.10 VDT programma - Zaal 81
13.30-14.00 Klinisch Pathologische Conferentie - Diezehal
Voorzitters: G.J. Navis & K.M.L. Leunissen
  J.J. Weening (Amsterdam) & R.T. Krediet (Amsterdam)
14.05-15.32 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN I - Diezehal
    Voorzitters: A.W.L. v.d. Wall Bake en R. Zietse
14.05 -14.17 1.. Determinants of renal function in the general population
17.17- 14.29 2. ACE polymorphism and renal function
14:29-14.41 3. Altered activity of plasma hemopexin in patients with minimal change disease.
14.41-14.53 4. Is azathioprine an alternative for cyclophosphamide in the treatment of patients with proliferative lupus nephritis? Two-year results of the Dutch Lupus Nephritis Study I.
14.53-15.05 5. Dendritic cell function amongst hepatitis B vaccination non-responders in patients on chronic hemodialysis
15.05-1517 6. Elevated levels of the T cell activation marker sIL-2R predict relapse in PR3-ANCA associated vasculitis
15.17-15.32 7. Do biopsy scores at diagnosis explain differences in outcome in ANCA-associated vasculitis?
  8. Early presence of markers of atherosclerosis in ANCA-associated vasculitis
14.05-15.32 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN II- zaal 80
    Voorzitters: B. Braam en J. Joles
14.05-14.17 9. Renal calcium wasting in mice lacking the epithelial calcium channel TRPV5
14.17-14.29 10. Adverse effects of ACEi on renal vasculature and interstitium: effects of sodium status
14.29-14.41 11. Low Dietary Sodium Enhances Plasma Angiotensin-(1-7) Levels During ACE Inhibition in Healthy Volunteers
14.41-14.53 12. (Pro)renin induces gene transcription in cardiomyocytes independent of angiotensin-II
14.53-15.05 13. Rescue of the cell surface expression of vasopressin V2 receptor mutants in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
15.05-15.17 14. The novel Aquaporin binding protein 1 reduces the rate of Aquaporin-2 water channel synthesis through a coiled-coil interaction with the proximal region of its C-terminal tail
15.17-15.32 15. Mono-ubiquitination and missorting to lysosomes of the Aquaporin-2 water channel mutant AQP2-E258K explains dominant Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
  16. A novel cellular phenotype in recessive Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus: retention signal of AQP2-P262L is overruled by apical targeting signals of wild-type Aquaporin-2 after formation of heterotetramers
14.05-15.29 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN III - Baroniezaal
    Voorzitters: : R. Goldschmeding en J. van der Vlag
14.05-14.17 17. Upregulation of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) plasma levels in plasma, urine and renal tissue of mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus
14.17-14.29 18. Renal cortical and glomerular message for VEGF is decreased but that for TGF-ß is unaltered in human diabetic nephropathy
14.29-14.41 19. Early inactivation of transforming growth factor (TGFß1) by decorin during the induction of anti-Thy-1 nephritis in Lew/Maa rats exacerbates, late inactivation ameliorates renal disease.
14.41-14.53 20. Expression of transforming growth factor-beta in follow-up kidney protocol biopsies is not different between renal transplant patients receiving cyclosporine-based and tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive regimens
14.53-15.05 21. Substrain-selective glomerular expression of neuronal activity-regulated pentraxin (NARP) discriminates between remodeling and progression towards glomerulosclerosis after induction of anti-Thy-1 nephritis (ATN) in rats
15.05-15.17 22. Osteopontin upregulation during development of proteinuria-induced renal damage
15.17-15.29 23. Renal Advanced Glycation End Products in Non-Diabetic Proteinuria-Induced Renal Damage in Rat
14.05-15.20 Paramedische sessie I - Brabantzaal
    Voorzitter: Y. de Koter en R. Tollenaar
14.05-14.20 24. Project Vaattoegang Nederlandse Werkgroep Vaattoegang: stand van zaken
14.20-14.35 25. Implementeren van gestructureerde vaattoegangszorg
14.35-14.50 26. Shuntsurveillance en shuntocclusie: een analyse naar effectiviteit en verpleegkundige werkdruk
14.50-15.05 27. Ultrasonic-site makes difficult canulation right
15.05-15.20 28. De buttonhole-techniek, een casus
15.20-15.35 29. Verkorting van afdruktijd na hemodialyse m.b.v. Microporeuse Polysacharide Partikels (MPP) (Bleed-X)
Pauze - Kempen / Genderhal
15.35-17.40 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN IV - Zaal 80
    Voorzitters: G. Ligtenberg en L.B. Hilbrands
15.50-16.02 30. Tissue chimerism occurs in kidneys of the normal female population
16.02-16.14 31. Myeloid related proteins 8 and 14, B cell markers, and Lung surfactant protein-C in acute rejection of renal allografts in relation to chronic allograft nephropathy
16.14-16.26 32. AUC-guided dosing of tacrolimus versus cyclosporine: superior rejection rates at the cost of high incidence of post tranplant diabetes mellitus
16.26-16.38 33. No difference in renal fibrosis in serial renal biopsies between auc-guided dosing of cyclosporine and tacrolimus based immunosupression: a randomized trial
16.38-16.50 34. New immunosuppressant FK778 shows efficacy in renal TX
16.50-17.02 35. Long-term efficacy and safety of steroid-withdrawal in tacrolimus-treated renal transplant recipients: results of a 3-year follow-up
17.02-17.14 36. Controlled study to reduce the immunosuppressive load after kidney transplantation guided by donor specific CTLp monitoring
17.14-17.26 37. Over-immunosuppression after HLA-identical living-related kidney transplantation
17.26-17.38 38. Non-heart-beating kidney transplantation from donors aged 65 years and older: a single center experience
15.50-17.38 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN V - Diezehal
    voorzitters: R. Huisman en K. Leunissen
15.50-16.02 39. Risk factors for decline in renal function in predialysis patients
16.02-16.14 40. Association of the ACE I/D polymorphism with mortality in a prospective study of incident dialysis patients
16.14-16.26 41. Serum calcium, phosphate and PTH levels in Dutch dialysis patients; do they meet the K/DOQI criteria?
16.26-16.38 42. Oral dryness and thirst are associated with interdialytic weight gain in patients on hemodialysis
16.38-16.50 43. The effect of novel methodologies on hemodynamics and sodium balance in hypotension prone hemodialysis (HD) patients
16.50-17.02 44. Effects of pre-dilution on-line hemofiltration (HF) on cardiovascular and nutritional state and quality of life (QOL): results of a randomized study
17.02-17.14 45. Plasma markers of endothelial dysfunction are influenced by the administered peritoneal dialysis regimen (NEPP or standard)
17.14-17.26 46. Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids (PDF) containing a mixture of amino-acids (AA) and glucose improve protein metabolism in CCPD patients : Dialysate as food
17.26-17.38 47. Polymicrobial peritonitis and acute abdominal events in patients on peritoneal dialysis
15.50-17.38 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN VI - Baroniezaal
    voorzitters: G.J. Navis en J. Aten  
15.50-16.02 48. ATP depletion and increased oxidised gluthatione in cultured cystinotic fibroblasts
16.02-16.14 49. Characterization of a murine renal distal convoluted tubule cell line (mpkDCT) to study transcellular calcium transport
16.14-16.26 50. Heterogeneity of glycosaminoglycans in the normal human kidney as detected by single chain antibodies
16.26-16.38 51. Pro-inflammatory cytokines induce a differential expression of heparan sulfate proteoglycans by conditionally immortalized mouse glomerular endothelial cells
16.38-16.50 52. Histone acetylation is associated with apoptosis and systemic lupus erythematosus
16.50-17.02 53. Selective delivery of drugs into activated endothelial cells in anti-GBM glomerulonephritis mice model
17.02-17.14 54. Renal targeting of captopril by lysozyme enhances its antiproteinuric effect in adriamycin induced nephrosis
17.14-17.26 55. Renal function of wt1-heterozygous mice is impaired in the absence of histological abnormalities
17.26-17.38 56. Lowering of Pkd1 expression is sufficient to cause polycystic kidney disease
15.35-17.40 Paramedische sessie II - Brabantzaal
    Voorzitter: B. de Graaf en Y. de Koter
15.50-16.05 57. Intensieve verpleegkundige begeleiding leidt tot een sterke verbetering van de fosfaatregulatie: resultaten van een korte termijnstudie
16.05-16.20 58. Voedingsdagboeken in de praktijk bij hemodialysepatiënten: vergelijk tussen 3-daagse en 7-daagse methode
16.20-16.35 59. Voorlichtingsgat
16.35-16.50 60. Verpleegkundige aspecten van on-line hemofiltratie (HF)
16.50-17.05 61. Een flowchart voor bloedvolume afhankelijke ultrafiltratiecontrole
17.05-17.20 62. Thuishemodialyse bij kinderen
17.20-17.35 63. Het gebruik van een bi-directionele modem tussen de HomeChoice PRO en PD Link levert een tijdswinst op voor verpleegkundigen en patiënten waardoor de verpleegkundige sneller en efficiënter inzicht krijgt in de behandeling
17.45-18.30 Special invited lecture - Diezehal
    Voorzitter: P.J. Blankestijn
  H. Galjaard (Rotterdam)  
  "Moderne gen-technologie en maatschappelijke acceptatie"
18.30 - 19.30 Borrel - Kempen & Genderhal
19.30 - 21.30 Buffet - Beneluxhal
21.30 - ..... Feestelijk programma - Brabantzaal
    Cafe open tot 01.00 uur  
09.00-10.45 Fundamenteel Wetenschappelijk Symposium II - Diezehal
    “Novel insights in the genetics of blood pressure regulation”
    Voorzitters: G.J. Navis & R.J.M. Bindels
09.00-09.30 G.J. Navis (Groningen)  
    “Unravelling the complex phenotype: the physiological approach”
09.35-10.05 C. Chatziantoniu (Parijs, FR)  
    “Novel insights into the mechanisms of progression and regression of renal fibrosis”
10.10-10.40 R. Kreutz (Berlijn, GE)  
    “Molecular genetics of hypertension-induced renal damage by an experimental approach”
09.00-10.20 Multidisciplinaire Workshop - Brabantzaal
    “Rechten en plichten van de patiënt en behandelaar”
    voorzitter: V. Deconinck  
    Interactieve paneldiscussie  
10.20-10.50 Presentatie klinische trials - Brabantzaal
    Voorzitter: F. van Ittersum
    Lupus-nefritis – G. Ligtenberg  
    Aza-ANCA studie – J. Sanders  
    STAR – J. Beutler  
    AURORA – J. Beutler  
    PREPARE – Y. Sijpkens  
    CONTRAST – L. Penne  
    CIMINO – H. Huijbregts  
10.50- 11.10 Pauze - Kempenhal
10.45-13.00 Algemene Ledenvergadering VMWM - Baroniezaal
11.10-12.10 Uitreiking prijzen en proefschriftpresentaties - Brabantzaal
    Voorzitters: L.B. Hilbrands & P.J. Blankestijn
11.10- 11.25 11.10-11.25 Presentatie proefschrift: Intra- and extracellular factors involved in the trafficking of the aquaporin-2. B. van Balkom, Nijmegen
11.25- 11.40 11.25-11.40 Presentatie proefschrift: Chronic rejection in renal transplantation. Y. Sijpkens, Leiden
11.40- 11.55 11.40-11.55 Presentatie proefschrift: Long-term complications of immunosuppressive therapy after renal transplantation. R. de Sévaux, Nijmegen
11.55-12.10 11.55-12.10 RENINE: Stand van zaken

Uitreiking prijzen voor beste abstract in de catagorieën: klinisch, experimenteel, paramedisch

12.25 -12.30 Uitreiking NSN - NfN proefschriftprijs 2003 door een vertegenwoordiger van de jury
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch - Kempenhal / Genderhal
12.00 - 13.30 Vergadering Plenaire Visitatie commissie - Brabantzaal
13.30-14.30 Special invited lectures - Diezehal
  “Mogelijkheden om het donorpotentieel voor niertransplantatie te verhogen”
    Voorzitter: L.B. Hilbrands  
13.30-14.00 W. Weimar (Rotterdam)  
    “Donatie bij leven”  
14.00-14.30 A.J. Hoitsma (Nijmegen)  
    “Non-heart beating donoren”  
14.30-16.00 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN VII - Baroniezaal
    Voorzitters: W. Rensma en E. de Heer
14.35-14.47 64. Lack of AVP-induced phosphorylation of the Aquaporin-2 mutants AQP2-R254L and AQP2-R254Q explains dominant Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
14.47-14.59 65. Influence of the level of hyperglycaemia on renal microvasculature reactivity during experimental diabetes mellitus type 1
14.59-15.11 66. Nitric oxide-dependent and independent transcriptional responses to high shear stress in endothelial cells
15.11-15.23 67. Brief perinatal inducible NOS inhibition and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) supplementation both reduce blood pressure (BP) in female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)
15.23-15.35 68. Transcriptional responses to injury in renal cortex of rats with chronic NO synthase inhibition are ameliorated by vitamin E – a microarray study
15.35-15.47 69. Arterial compliance can be normalized in hypertensive chronic kidney disease patients
15.47-15.59 70. Eprosartan combined with moxonidine normalizes sympathetic hyperactivity in hypertensive chronic renal failure patients
14.35 - 15.59 Wetenschappelijke Sessie NfN VIII - Diezehal
    Voorzitters: H. van Goor en L. Hilbrands
14.35-14.47 71. VEGF mediates endothelial activation and chemokine production and is functional in allograft rejection
14.47-14.59 72. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphism influences renal graft survival in living donor transplants
14.59-15.11 73. Renal expression of heat-shock proteins after brain-death induction in rats
15.11-15.23 74. P-glycoprotein does not prevent apoptosis in renal proximal tubule cells
15.23-15.35 75. Redox-active iron plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury
15.35-15.47 76. CD44-mediated granulocyte migration contributes to renal ischemia reperfusion injury
15.47-15.59 77. Stem cell factor and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor accelerate renal recovery after ischemia/reperfusion injury
14.35-16.00 Paramedische sessie III - Diezehal
    Voorzitters: R. Tollenaar & C. Broeders
14.35-14.50 78. Klinische paden
14.50-15.05 79. Psychosociale en maatschappelijke zorg, een verpleegkundige taak?
15.05-15.20 80. Richtlijnontwikkeling ter bevordering van adequaat zelfmanagement bij hemodialysepatiënten met betrekking tot de vochtbeperking: een behoeftegestuurde benadering
15.20-15.35 81. Goed voorgelicht de behandeling in zicht!!
15.35-15.50 82. Methodisch verplegen op de dialyseafdeling
15.50-16.05 83. Probleemonderzoek door verpleegkundigen. Over sperziebonen en aansluitsets
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