Invitation and registration via a link
You will receive a separate e-mail from us containing a link with which you are invited to register as an "invited speaker" of the Nephrology Days 2022. It is important that you fill in the requested information as completely and correctly as possible.
Providing additional information
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. In this confirmation you will again find a link with which you can enter important additional information. We ask for:
- the title of your nomination,
- a short description of the content,
- any literature used,
- required technical resources,
- permission or not for handouts to participants
- your abbreviated CV (for application for accreditations)
- your IBAN number (for payment of claims)
Fee, reimbursement of expenses and hotel
Speakers who work in the nephrological field do not receive a fee. You can, however, declare your travel expenses and other costs directly related to your nomination.
Download reimbursement form
Upon arrival, report to the Limburg foyer (blue zone - see map) to receive your badge. From there we will show you the way to Speakers Corner in the Diezehal. There is a special area in Speakers Corner for your luggage and coat. In Speakers Corner you will be welcomed by:
- Lucinda Weusthof (program manager)
- Edith van der Heijden (program manager)
- Jeroen van Zijl (Technical engineer)
- Donald Scherpenzeel (Technical engineer)
The session in which you speak
In Speakers Corner you will receive information about the logistics of the session in question.
Language of instruction
The medical and basic science sessions must be presented in English.
The paramedical sessions must be presented in Dutch.
Your nomination and the disclaimer
You are required to include the disclosure slide first in your presentation and show it to the participants.
Available room technology
The room in which you speak is equipped with the following technical facilities:
- laptop: with the latest version of Windows
- installed software: Chrome, MS-Powerpoint
- pointer and mouse
- 1 lapel microphone and 1 handheld microphone
- beamer and projection screen or projection wall
- sound system
Important : you can specify other or deviating requirements in your file (see above under "statement of additional data"). For each assignment, the organization checks whether the assignment falls within the framework of the budget. If you present with your own laptop, you do not need to send your presentation in advance.
Submitting your PowerPoint presentation
We want to pre-install the laptops in the scientific rooms with the most current versions of the required software. We also want to place the PowerPoint of the lectures on your desktop so that you can start up quickly when you arrive in the room. For this reason, we ask you to submit your PowerPoint by June 15, 2022 at noon at the latest. We request that you send your presentation to info@nephrologiedagen.nl.
Large files can be sent to this email address using the application WeTransfer.com
Congress date: 20, 21 and 22 June 2022
Address: NH Koningshof, Locht 117, 5504 RM Veldhoven
Phone: (0031) - (0)40-2537475
Route description
Program schedule
Map conference center
Participation in the conference for Dutch speakers
Invited foreign speakers will be our guest during the conference. Hotelrooms, food and beverage included.
Participation in the conference for foreign speakers
We may invite invited speakers from abroad to the entire conference, including the days on which they are not speaking.
Invitation and registration via a link
You will receive a separate e-mail from us containing a link with which you are invited to register as an "invited speaker" of the Nephrology Days 2022. It is important that you fill in the requested information as completely and correctly as possible.
Providing additional information
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. In this confirmation you will again find a link with which you can enter important additional information. We ask for:
- the title of your nomination,
- a short description of the content,
- any literature used,
- required technical resources,
- permission or not for handouts to participants
- your abbreviated CV (for application for accreditations)
- your IBAN number (for payment of claims)
Fee, reimbursement of expenses and hotel
Speakers who work in the nephrological field do not receive a fee. You can, however, declare your travel expenses and other costs directly related to your nomination.
Download reimbursement form
Upon arrival, report to the Limburg foyer (blue zone - see map) to receive your badge. From there we will show you the way to Speakers Corner in the Diezehal. There is a special area in Speakers Corner for your luggage and coat. In Speakers Corner you will be welcomed by:
- Lucinda Weusthof (program manager)
- Edith van der Heijden (program manager)
- Jeroen van Zijl (Technical engineer)
- Donald Scherpenzeel (Technical engineer)
The session in which you speak
In Speakers Corner you will receive information about the logistics of the session in question.
Language of instruction
The medical and basic science sessions must be presented in English.
The paramedical sessions must be presented in Dutch.
Your nomination and the disclaimer
You are required to include the disclosure slide first in your presentation and show it to the participants.
Available room technology
The room in which you speak is equipped with the following technical facilities:
- laptop: with the latest version of Windows
- installed software: Chrome, MS-Powerpoint
- pointer and mouse
- 1 lapel microphone and 1 handheld microphone
- beamer and projection screen or projection wall
- sound system
Important : you can specify other or deviating requirements in your file (see above under "statement of additional data"). For each assignment, the organization checks whether the assignment falls within the framework of the budget. If you present with your own laptop, you do not need to send your presentation in advance.
Submitting your PowerPoint presentation
We want to pre-install the laptops in the scientific rooms with the most current versions of the required software. We also want to place the PowerPoint of the lectures on your desktop so that you can start up quickly when you arrive in the room. For this reason, we ask you to submit your PowerPoint by June 15, 2022 at noon at the latest. We request that you send your presentation to info@nephrologiedagen.nl.
Large files can be sent to this email address using the application WeTransfer.com
Congress date: 20, 21 and 22 June 2022
Address: NH Koningshof, Locht 117, 5504 RM Veldhoven
Phone: (0031) - (0)40-2537475
Route description
Program schedule
Map conference center
Participation in the conference for Dutch speakers
Invited foreign speakers will be our guest during the conference. Hotelrooms, food and beverage included.
Participation in the conference for foreign speakers
We may invite invited speakers from abroad to the entire conference, including the days on which they are not speaking.